Full-automatic motor winding machine can automatically wrap and wind the wire, the wire rows are flush and the support is smooth. Operation: can be manually put stator winding can also with robot fully automatic winding without workers. Automated calibration and automatic identification of common faults using support force responsive system software to instantly adjust the size of the support force according to the keyed-in regulations. Ensure stable support force for all motor windings.

Vacuz Двойно вретено Flying Fork Автоматична единична станция с четка на ротора на арматурата Прахосмукачка Sweeper Моторна намотка Машина за навиване на оборудване Производител

Vacuz Двойно вретено Flying Fork Автоматична единична станция с четка на ротора на арматурата Прахосмукачка Sweeper Моторна намотка Машина за навиване на оборудване Производител

Fully automatic motor winding machine alarm settings, system software can be set according to the alarm level to carry out the alarm. And according to the different levels of different alarm shutdown methods disconnect the automatic inspection system, but the main parameters are set to disconnect the need to shut down, the system software will suspend the winding, there are workers to decide whether or not to do it again. Standard air pressure check, the system software to set up standard air pressure detection of the original pressure, if the working pressure is less than the preset value, the system software will stop running, and so on the standard air pressure response to start again after the party to carry out the winding.

Vacuz Двойно вретено Flying Fork Автоматична единична станция с четка на ротора на арматурата Прахосмукачка Sweeper Моторна намотка Машина за навиване на оборудване Производител

Vacuz Двойно вретено Flying Fork Автоматична единична станция с четка на ротора на арматурата Прахосмукачка Sweeper Моторна намотка Машина за навиване на оборудване Производител

Full-automatic motor winding machine uses this kind of equipment to wind coils with compact structure, small size and high compressive strength. In order to further increase the productivity, the server speed ratio of the automatic winding machine is increased from 300rad/min to 500rad/min, and the organization of the wire row is increased from two heads to two or three heads, i.e., three coils can be wound at one time. In addition to the selection of multi-section (more than 4) and winding; enhancement of axial clamping organization, each construction of the payoff reel to carry out the support of individual manipulation, which makes the winding resistance transmission line sorting neat, turn-to-turn inextricably proportional to the intensity of the current throughout the proportionality. In addition equipped with end insulation layer uncoiling organization, transmission line tightening organization, electronic computer should be given to set a variety of main parameters, can make the coil coil inductance once, the level of automation is greatly improved, alleviate the labor intensity of workers.

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