Brushless motor stator coils are diverse, the stator shape is also different, there is a small outer diameter, there is a large outer diameter; there are coarse wire winding, there are fine wire winding; there are 3 slots, 4 slots, 6 slots, 9 slots, 12 slots, there are 18 slots, 24 slots, 36 slots, so multi-slot brushless motor stator winding is difficult? Vacuz give you an analysis of the details and considerations!

Automatický navíjecí stroj pro jednostaniční model vyvažovacího automobilového motoru

Automatický navíjecí stroj pro jednostaniční model vyvažovacího automobilového motoru

Multi-slot stator common such as plant protection machine, robot motor stator, etc., generally in more than 18 slots, this external winding products more than the use of flying fork winding method, there are single-strand lining method, there are also multi-strand lining method, can also achieve precision lining, common equipment has a single station or double station flying fork winding machine, the speed can be controlled.

Winding details and precautions.

1. to avoid the winding process of wound wire problems, after commissioning the machine, the test stator must be brine test to see if the requirements, leakage value, etc. do not meet the requirements, the need to readjust.

2. Speed should be controlled, not too fast, not too slow, fast speed is easy to break the line, if there is a broken line situation, need to readjust.

3. Tensioner control should be reasonable, this is a common detail, according to the range of tension reasonable control of the strength, not too loose, not too tight.

Vinutí bezkartáčového motoru

Vinutí bezkartáčového motoru

Multi-slot brushless motor stator winding, in fact, and the normal stator winding is similar, there is not much difference, the same precautions, mainly the debugging process, careful and conscientious on.

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