Many friends do not know what is a rotary transformer, has been more curious, hope to understand it, then what is a resolver? Vacuz give you an analysis of it!

Elektrická vozidla Auto Rotary Transformer Stator Motor Coil Dvě stanice Automatické navíjecí stroj

Elektrická vozidla Auto Rotary Transformer Stator Motor Coil Dvě stanice Automatické navíjecí stroj

Rotating transformer is also called synchronous decomposer, is a kind of electromagnetic sensor, precision measuring position with electromechanical components, rotating transformer output electrical signal and the rotor angle into a function of the relationship, mainly used to measure the rotational axis of the rotating object angular displacement and angular velocity, commonly used in the military and aerospace, aviation, navigation and other aspects, by the majority of customers welcome!

The stator coil of the rotary transformer and brushless motor is relatively similar to the common is the reluctance type inner winding coil, so how is the specific winding it? What details to pay attention to?

General rotating transformer stator coil wire diameter are relatively fine, you can use special high-speed winding machine equipment, such as four-station or six-station high-speed internal winding machine, not only fast winding speed, and winding effect will be better.

It should be noted that the winding machine configuration to meet the requirements, winding operation to be smooth, not jittering, tension needs to be adjusted to prevent winding breakage, injury, etc., winding the product to check, salt water test, etc.

Another common is the winding type external rotor rotary transformer, rotor slant slot design, often using the flying fork winding method, can be fast winding.

Dvoustaniční elektrický automobilový rotační transformátor Statorová cívka automatického navíjecího stroje

Dvoustaniční elektrický automobilový rotační transformátor Statorová cívka automatického navíjecího stroje

What is a rotary transformer? What details should I pay attention to in stator winding? The above made a simple explanation, I hope that these tips can help you!

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