Only some inductor coils such as chokes, low-frequency chokes, oscillating coils, LG fixed inductor coils, etc. are produced according to the specified standard products, while the vast majority of inductor coils are non-standard parts, which are often customized according to the customer’s actual needs. So, how do you wind inductor coils? What should I pay attention to when winding?

Vacuz Servo Motor Automatisch Rund Quadrat Rechteck Scharf Flach Kupferdraht Nadelwickelmaschine Hersteller

Vacuz Servo Motor Automatisch Rund Quadrat Rechteck Scharf Flach Kupferdraht Nadelwickelmaschine Hersteller

When current flows through a wire, it creates an electromagnetic field around the wire. It is regularly wound around the coil. Let’s talk about the winding method of inductor coil:First of all, single layer winding:The form of single layer coil is the outer surface of the inductor coil is wrapped around the insulating tube.The winding method of single layer coil can be divided into indirect tight winding.Indirect coils are used in some high-frequency resonance circuits.Due to the winding method, it can reduce the high-frequency resonance capacitance, and also stabilize the performance a little bit. The tight winding method is based on a small range of resonant coils. Next is the multi-layer winding method:There is also a large inductance coil, the coil is wound in a multi-layer winding method, multi-layer winding process method including snap and honeycomb two types, a layer of winding is tight, a layer is needed, the distribution of winding coils in order to produce a large capacitance, honeycomb arrangement of the winding is in accordance with a certain angle, it is not very smooth, but compared with the tight winding, it is a small capacitance. Some high-voltage resonant circuits, winding inductive coils, need to comply with the value of the current and voltage resistance between the coils, we also have to consider the heat generation of the coil when winding inductive coils. The coil is in use, do not change the shape of the coil. The size and distance between the coils, otherwise the original inductance of the coil will be affected. In particular, the higher the frequency, the smaller the number of coils. Therefore, high frequency coils used in televisions are usually sealed and fixed with high frequency wax or other dielectric materials. Also pay attention to maintenance, do not change or adjust the position of the original coil arbitrarily, so as not to lead to detuning failure.

Servomotor Vollautomatische Lackdraht-Flachkupferdraht-Photovoltaik-Toroidal-Luftkern-Induktorspule Vertikale Wickelmaschine Ausrüstung

Servomotor Vollautomatische Lackdraht-Flachkupferdraht-Photovoltaik-Toroidal-Luftkern-Induktorspule Vertikale Wickelmaschine Ausrüstung

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