In order to adapt to the coil processing process, automatic winding machine needs to be equipped with spindle variable speed basic functions, winding machine equipment should be produced and processed by the distinction of its equipment also varies, we are relatively familiar with the spindle motor categories are AC motors, DC motors, servo-driven motors, these three categories, some of the motor used in the variable speed method has different characteristics, the following combined with the winding machine equipment to say in Variable speed methods in the machine and equipment:
Vacuz Αυτόματη γραμμή παραγωγής μηχανών περιέλιξης πηνίων μετασχηματιστή
A, AC motor speed change method: this type of motor itself is not the basic function of the speed change, it must be with the help of electromagnetic speed change device or the addition of inverter to maintain the basic function of the speed change, in the winding machine equipment we relatively more common inverter speed control method, with the control system of the winding machine equipment control inverter to make the motor with the basic function of speed change, the method also has a certain degree of environmental protection energy-saving function.
Second, the DC motor speed change method: DC motor must be supplied to the power supply into DC power to drive the motor operation, so DC motors are equipped with DC speed control board or brushless driver to drive the control motor, in view of the small size of the motor in small winding machines and equipment applications are relatively large.
Αυτόματη μηχανή περιέλιξης στάτη κινητήρα τεσσάρων σταθμών
Third, the servo-driven motor speed change method: it is a precision motion parts are more suitable for high precision winding machinery and equipment, with a special driver to maintain closed-loop operation control, the biggest feature of this type of motor is constant torque, closed-loop operation, applicable to meet the high precision coil production and processing regulations.
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