In order to adapt to the coil processing technology, automatic winding machine needs to be equipped with the basic function of the spindle speed, winding machines and equipment should be produced and processed by the distinction between the categories of its equipment are also different, we are relatively more familiar with the category of the spindle motor AC motor, DC motor, servo-driven motors of the three categories, some of the motors used in the speed change method has a different characteristic, the following is combined with the winding machines and equipment to say that in the The following is a description of the variable speed method in the winding machine and equipment.

2.5mm Copper Wire Common Mode Toroidal Coil Inductor Automatic Winding Peeling Taping Machine

2.5mm Copper Wire Common Mode Toroidal Coil Inductor Automatic Winding Peeling Taping Machine

First, the AC motor speed method: this type of motor itself is not the basic function of speed, it must be with the help of electromagnetic speed changer or add frequency converter to maintain the basic function of speed, in the winding machine equipment we are relatively common frequency converter speed control method, with the help of the control system of the winding machine equipment control frequency converter to make the motor with the basic function of speed change, the method also has a certain degree of environmental protection Energy saving function.

Teiseks, alalisvoolumootori kiiruse meetod: Pidades silmas mootori suurus on väike väike mähis masinad ja seadmed taotluse suhteliselt suures koguses, on DC mootorid varustatud DC kiirus pardal või harjadeta sõita mootori kontrolli, pidades silmas mootori suurus on väike väike mähis masinad ja seadmed taotluse suhteliselt suures koguses.

Ühise režiimiga toroidspiraali automaatne mähkimismasin

Ühise režiimiga toroidspiraali automaatne mähkimismasin

Kolmandaks, servo drive mootori kiiruse meetod: see on täpsus liikumine osad sobivad rohkem kõrge täpsusega mähkimismasinad ja seadmed, ja eriline sõita, mis toetab kasutamise suletud ahela töö ja kontrolli, kõige olulisem omadus seda tüüpi mootor on konstantne pöördemoment, suletud ahela töö, mis vastab nõuetele kõrge täpsusega mähise tootmise ja töötlemise.

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