Fan products are varied, there are internally wound stator coils, there are also externally wound stator coils, common internally wound 4-slot stator, need to wind many turns, so how to internally wind fan motor stator multi-turn coils? How to choose the high-speed winding machine? Vacuz give you an introduction to it!

Vacuz Two Stations BLDC Brushless Drone Motor Stator Coil Flying Fork Winding Machine Delivery

Vacuz Two Stations BLDC Brushless Drone Motor Stator Coil Flying Fork Winding Machine Delivery

About brushless fan motor stator multi-turn coil internal winding method:

For multi-turn stator coil winding problem, need to start from two aspects, one is the speed to be fast, the second is the number of stations as much as possible, you can choose a specialized internal winding machine equipment, generally common with four-position high-speed internal winding machine or six-position high-speed internal winding machine, according to the demand for the production of the number of workstations to choose the speed of the words can generally reach 1000RPM, significantly improve production efficiency.

For the selection of high-speed winding machine, the following are some suggestions:

1. Consider the product parameters: such as wire diameter, wire length, number of turns, the maximum range of application, etc., these factors will affect the choice of machine.

2. Choose a manufacturer with good reputation and after-sales service: a good manufacturer can provide better after-sales service, which can effectively solve the problems encountered by users in the work, and also better ensure the quality and performance of the product.

3. Comparison of goods: when choosing a winding machine, you can not only pursue the price advantage, but also ignore the quality and performance of the product itself.

Vacuz Big BLDC Stator Automatic Brushless Inner Motor Coil Needle Winding Machine Delivery

Vacuz Big BLDC Stator Automatic Brushless Inner Motor Coil Needle Winding Machine Delivery

How to wind brushless fan motor stator multi-turn coil internally? How to choose a high-speed winding machine?Vacuz above has made a brief introduction, I hope these tips can help you!


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