Many friends like to play model airplane, some of them also know more about the internal structure of the model, such as brushless motors, coil winding, sometimes there is a problem with the motor, so expensive things can not be said to throw away, as long as you follow the correct way of winding, you can also wind it yourself.

Aero Brushless Motor Stator

Aero Brushless Motor Stator

Of course the above is said to be a single motor repair, as long as proficient friends themselves can try, but if it is mass production, such as DJI drone company, always can not all use manual to wind the coil it! So automatic winding machine equipment came into being, so what winding machine equipment is commonly used for model brushless motor stator?

Model brushless motor stator slot is basically outward, the general use of flying fork winding machine to solve the winding problem, depending on the parameters of the stator, replace the mold can be single-strand winding, can also be multi-strand winding, especially for the stator of the series of plant protection machine products, the number of slots, mostly 18 slots or more, the need for multiple lines and winding, flying fork winding machine can be 0.3mm wire diameter, 30 enameled wire together and winding.

If you need to achieve precision lineup, you need precision flying fork winding machine equipment, you can customize, you can also use universal equipment, you can closely arrange one by one, to achieve a neat and uncluttered effect.

drone-moottorin staattori

drone-moottorin staattori

Of course, the model brushless motor stator winding can also use the internal winding machine equipment, internal winding machine using crochet winding method, winding is relatively more precise, machine configuration is also higher, relatively speaking, the cost will be higher, but compared to the flying fork winding method, the speed will be slower, if the speed has very high requirements of friends, it is recommended to use the flying fork winding machine equipment.

Ei-standardi staattori lentävä haarukka tyyppi ulkoinen käämitys koneen

Ei-standardi staattori lentävä haarukka tyyppi ulkoinen käämitys koneen

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