Adopt full English touch screen interface, easy to learn operation, mechanical operation part of efficient and reasonable design, using the best metal materials, mechanical movement part of all imported servo motors and high-precision ball screw and high precision module, imported bearings to ensure the high efficiency and precision of the product; can 24 hours efficient and stable production. It can be compatible with fully automatic production line and unmanned workshop.
Different wire processing parameters are set differently, so the first thing to consider when using inductive coil winding machine is the characteristics of the wire.
1, such as self-adhesive wire, enameled cotton wire, etc., when setting the wire diameter to leave a certain space, because the outer skin friction is slightly larger than other materials, no inertia characteristics.
2, fine wire winding speed although you can not too slow, but there must be a slow acceleration process to avoid sudden acceleration of the wire pulled off.
3, the thick wire also has a certain range of speed, should not be too fast, but must pay attention to the low and medium speed torque is sufficient.
4、When using aluminum wire, please note that the tension is adjusted to a little smaller than copper wire, so as not to make the wire diameter smaller due to the pulling force, which will cause the insulation paint to crack and seriously affect the quality of the product.
5, the use of aluminum wire when the tension is reduced, the wire diameter setting should be increased, the need for its own up force can go less over the wire wheel.
This machine features.
1, save labor costs, one person can operate more than one device at the same time.
2, high precision stretching, improve quality.
3, tailored for small quantities of multi-species products, easy and fast to replace the product. Small size of equipment, flexible layout of production line.
WhatsApp/ウィチャット+86 13075286997
Keywords: inductor winding machine, magnetic ring winding machine, inductor hook-up machine, automatic inductor winding machine, common mode magnetic ring winding machine, common mode magnetic winding, transformer bushing winding machine