Automatic winding machine debugging video_Automatic winding machine tutorial_Automatic winding machine nozzle equipment overall in the workload of these above or more, and the application to the range is also more, no matter how to say, in the material these above is also slowly increasing, increasing the quality of the material is very important, the quality of many aspects of the words, the customer is still very important, the customer use is important, and the recent These years, now the amount of automatic winding machine spout is also rising, rising speed is also very fast, rising amount, then the application is also a lot of, but usually need to pay attention to what?

1. meter counter: through the encoder to collect the length of the wire through the roller, to be able to accurately meter.

2. Wire cutter: After setting the automatic counting trigger of the meter, it can complete the action of cutting the wire and cutting the wire, and after cutting the wire, it is pressed with the cylinder.

3. Manipulator to take the wire: Manipulator fixed to the wire position to take the wire, after taking the wire through the meter, through the winding and pressing mechanism, and then manually put the wire on the winding tray to tie the wire and wind the wire.

Automatic wire winding machine factory-Vacuz

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4. Wire winder: It is mainly used for winding the wire into the specified style, determining the spacing of the winding, the speed of the winding and the number of coils, and all of them can be set and adjusted according to the production task.

5. Line up the wire: in the winding is used to fix the wire, so that the wound wire products have a certain tension, and the wire is fixed according to the number of layers.

6. Tie transfer structure: Through the transfer mechanism to send a certain length of wire to the hands of the clamping machine.

7. Twist tie structure: The wound wire is clamped together with a tie and then the wire product is twisted tightly.

8. Transfer structure + wire pick-up robot: clip the wound wire out of the wire winding structure and put it into the part of the transferring tie.

9. Manipulator wire feeding: put the wire into the meter, clip it into the wire mechanism.

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