How does the tape wrapping machine test work? How to achieve; install the core wrapping tape, test the pendulum of the totalization of the operation? Don’t panic, listen to what I say next!

1. on line packaging by vibration device, the magnetic core through the magnetic suction device into the work position, the magnetic core transport completely without damage.

2. The magnetic cores are loaded into the wire package, and the grinding function and error correction function are realized according to the product needs.

3. Four coating hoppers are fed into the coating or (installation of the spring sheet) UU series products).

4. The robot sends the products to the inspection station for electrical function testing, distinguishing between good products and

5. Robotic pendulum is mainly for UU series filter products and large high frequency transformers.

automatic transformer coil insulation tape wrapping machine

automatic transformer coil insulation tape wrapping machine

왓츠앱/위챗: +86 13075286997


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