In identifying the quality of brushless stator automatic winding machine, involves a number of factors, many friends may not be very well understood, so how to identify the quality of the specific brushless stator automatic winding machine? What are the winding requirements and acceptance criteria? The following Vacuz give you an introduction to it! I hope it can help you!

2 Spindles Automatic BLDC Brushless Drone Outer Stator Coil Flying Fork Winding Stranding Machine

2 Spindles Automatic BLDC Brushless Drone Outer Stator Coil Flying Fork Winding Stranding Machine

1. Appearance and configuration

Appearance check: ensure that the appearance of the equipment is not obvious bump or damage, which is a visual reflection of whether the equipment is properly handled during transportation and storage.

Configuration check: Check whether key components such as servo motors, screws, guide rails, cylinders, etc. are complete and meet the specifications. The performance of these components directly affects the stability and accuracy of the equipment.

2. Installation and commissioning

No-load running test: After installation and commissioning of the equipment, carry out no-load running test to observe whether the equipment runs smoothly and whether the rotational speed is stable and meets the requirements. At the same time, pay attention to check whether the bearings and moving parts have heat or abnormal noise.

3. Running line test

Observation of the winding process: In the running line test, focus on observing whether the number of windings is accurate, and whether the action of the wire arranging device is smooth and correct. Check the flatness and compactness of the winding coil and the integrity of the enameled wire insulation.

4. Accuracy and efficiency

Winding accuracy: Check the winding accuracy of the equipment, including the number of coil turns, wiring accuracy, etc., to ensure that it meets the production requirements.

Production efficiency: Evaluate the production efficiency of the equipment, including conversion speed, positioning accuracy, etc., which helps to determine whether the equipment can meet the needs of the production line.

5. Intelligence and reliability

Intelligent control system: Check whether the equipment is equipped with intelligent control systems and sensors, the existence of which can significantly enhance the automation and intelligence of the equipment.

Reliability assessment: Evaluate the stability of the mechanical structure and electrical system of the equipment, as well as the failure rate and maintenance cost in long-term operation. A reliable equipment can significantly reduce the downtime and maintenance costs of the production line.

6. Noise and Versatility

Noise level: Observe the noise level of the equipment during operation. Low noise usually means that the equipment is compact and runs smoothly.

Versatility check: Check whether the equipment is suitable for various models of brushless motor products and whether it supports non-standard customization. This helps to enhance the flexibility and adaptability of the equipment in the production line.

7. After-sales service and support

After-sales service policy: Understand the after-sales service policy of the equipment manufacturer, including the warranty period of the equipment and the response time for maintenance. Good after-sales service can provide users with timely technical support and equipment maintenance.

Technical support capability: Investigate the equipment manufacturer’s technical support capability, including whether to provide equipment operation training, technical support and so on. This helps users to solve problems quickly and improve the efficiency of the equipment in the process of use.

2 Spindles Automatic BLDC Brushless Drone Outer Stator Coil Flying Fork Winding Stranding Machine

2 Spindles Automatic BLDC Brushless Drone Outer Stator Coil Flying Fork Winding Stranding Machine

To summarize, when identifying the quality of brushless stator automatic winding machine, it is necessary to make comprehensive consideration from many aspects. Through rigorous inspection and testing, you can ensure that the purchased equipment can meet the needs of the production line and have good performance.


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