Brushless motor winding machine customization requirements:

4 스테이션 모터 고정자 자동 와인딩 기계

4 스테이션 모터 고정자 자동 와인딩 기계

1. machine configuration, need to be configured according to the needs of the product, configure the appropriate brand of motor motor drive, tensioner, silk rod, guide rail, cylinder and other parts, if it does not meet the requirements, it may not achieve the winding effect.

2. Winding method, the need for professional engineering to solve the winding method, and to determine its reasonableness, reasonable winding method to ensure that the alignment is correct, winding neatly.

3. Salt water test, after playing the sample, test the wound sample, test whether the pinhole meets the requirements, whether the performance meets the standard, if it does not meet the requirements, you need to rewind, or replace the equipment configuration.

Brushless motor winding machine in addition to customization needs, but also pay attention to some details, such as common winding injury, broken wire, stacked wire, skipping, hitting the needle and other issues, the winding machine manufacturers need to explain, on-site training operation, to ensure that the details of the winding operation is in place, there is also the adjustment of the tensioner, the electrical air pressure of these need to pay attention to.

2 스핀들 자동 BLDC 브러시리스 드론 모터 고정자 와인딩 머신

2 스핀들 자동 BLDC 브러시리스 드론 모터 고정자 와인딩 머신

What are the customization requirements for brushless motor winding machine? What details to pay attention to Vacuz has been briefly explained above, only pay attention to this small knowledge, in order to find the right winding machine, production of high quality stator coil products!

왓츠앱/위챗: +86 13075286997


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