Brushless motor stator winding, generally use professional winding machine, mainly divided into flying fork winding machine and needle winding machine equipment, flying fork winding machine for stator slot outward stator, needle winding machine for slot inward stator, then brushless motor stator winding machine single line winding and multi-line and winding what is the difference? What is the difference between the two?

자동 BLDC 브러시리스 드론 고정자 코일 플라잉 포크 와인딩 머신

1. Flying fork winding machine is a relatively common winding machine equipment, general stator can be universal, most products are single-wire winding, there are also multi-wire winding, single-wire winding is relatively faster, multi-wire winding speed will be slower, in fact, there is no difference, the winding are almost the same, just the different needs of the product, such as the need for some products to be used in a large wire size, the single-wire winding is easy to injure the line, and then changed to multi-wire and winding to solve the problem of winding. Then change to multi-wire winding to solve the winding problem.

2. Most of the needle winding machine is a single wire winding, wire diameter can be up to 1.3mm, winding is relatively easy; multi-wire winding is common is a double line, three lines, etc., of course, there are also multiple lines, the inner winding is relatively difficult, but also more likely to injure the line, line breakage, the configuration of the machine is also higher requirements.

정밀 라인업 자동차 모터 2 스핀들 자동 BLDC 브러시리스 외부 고정자 코일 2 스테이션 플라잉 포크 와인딩 머신

정밀 라인업 자동차 모터 2 스핀들 자동 BLDC 브러시리스 외부 고정자 코일 2 스테이션 플라잉 포크 와인딩 머신

In fact, whether it is a flying fork winding machine or needle winding machine, single-wire winding and multi-wire winding is no difference, just the difficulty of winding and customer demand is different, Vacuz has done a simple explanation above, I hope that this little knowledge can help you!

왓츠앱/위챗: +86 13075286997


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