The application of automatic brushless motor stator winding machine, to many motor manufacturers have brought the gospel, instead of manual semi-automatic winding, not only improve the yield, but also to ensure the stability of the quality, so what is the role of automatic brushless motor stator winding machine? What design requirements need to be met?Vacuz give you an introduction to it, I hope it can help you!

High Power Electric Bldc 2807 Stator And Rotor Compact Fpv Drone Motor 24v 1300kv Brushless Small Rc Motor For Model Aircraft

High Power Electric Bldc 2807 Stator And Rotor Compact Fpv Drone Motor 24v 1300kv Brushless Small Rc Motor For Model Aircraft

The design requirements of the automatic flying fork winding machine and needle internal winding machine mainly include the following aspects:

1. Accuracy requirements: the winding equipment needs to have a high degree of accuracy of the winding capacity to ensure the consistency and stability of the winding quality.

2. Efficiency requirements: the equipment should have a faster winding speed to meet the needs of mass production.

3. Reliability requirements: the equipment should have good stability and durability, and be able to operate stably for a long time to reduce the failure rate.

4. Adaptability requirements: the equipment should be able to adapt to different sizes and models of wire and different winding requirements, with a high degree of flexibility.

5. Safety requirements: the equipment should ensure the safety of the operator in the operation process, to avoid accidental injury.

High Power Electric Bldc 2807 Stator And Rotor Compact Fpv Drone Motor 24v 1300kv Brushless Small Rc Motor For Model Aircraft

High Power Electric Bldc 2807 Stator And Rotor Compact Fpv Drone Motor 24v 1300kv Brushless Small Rc Motor For Model Aircraft

In general, in the design and use of automatic flying fork winding machine and needle internal winding machine, it is necessary to consider the precision, efficiency, reliability, adaptability and safety and other aspects, in order to ensure that the safety performance of the equipment to achieve a better state, to meet the user’s production needs.


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