Many motor manufacturers of friends, for the stator parameters are better understood, but do not know how the corresponding stator adapted to the corresponding brushless winding machine equipment, then brushless winding machine workstation number and stator parameters have what relationship? How to comprehensively assess the winding needs? The following Vacuz and you introduce it! I hope it can help you!

에어로 브러시리스 모터 고정자

에어로 브러시리스 모터 고정자

In practical applications, it is really necessary to carefully analyze the stator parameters in order to choose the right number of stations for the winding machine.

Factors such as the stator’s outer and inner diameters, height (stack thickness), slot direction and distance, as well as wire diameter and the number of parallel-wound wires, all have a direct impact on the selection of the number of stations for the winding machine. These parameters not only determine the limitations of the winding space, but also influence the technical difficulty and equipment requirements of the winding process.

In a comprehensive assessment of the winding requirements, it is important to analyze the various parameters of the stator in detail and define the production requirements. This includes weighing productivity and product quality, as well as considering equipment stability and maintenance requirements. For example, for stators with larger outside diameters or higher heights, it may be necessary to select a smaller number of stations to ensure winding quality and equipment stability.

In addition, equipment selection should be based on the difficulty and precision requirements of the winding task. For difficult winding tasks or high precision requirements, it is recommended to select a winding machine with high accuracy and stability and adjust the number of stations accordingly to meet production requirements.

브러시리스 DC 모터

브러시리스 DC 모터

In conclusion, the selection of the number of stations of brushless winding machine is a process of comprehensive consideration of stator parameters, production requirements, equipment stability and maintenance requirements and other factors. Only on the basis of fully understand and analyze these factors, can make a reasonable choice and configuration.


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