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Vacuz 6 Sides AI CCD Molding Common Mode SMD SMT Chip High Frequency CD NR Inductor Automatic Magnetic Core Resistor Capacitor Coil AOI Visual Inspection Detection Machine

왓츠앱/위챗: +86 13075286997

이메일: sales@vacuz.com

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Vacuz 6 Sides AI CCD Molding Common Mode SMD SMT Chip High Frequency CD NR Inductor Automatic Magnetic Core Resistor Capacitor Coil AOI Visual Inspection Detection Machine

머신 기능

Vacuz multi-surface appearance inspection equipment uses six sets of intelligent industrial cameras and the world’s most advanced AI visual image processing method to perform visual image processing and analysis on the six-surface images of the product, and classifies the products based on the analysis results (automatic classification of good/bad products). It is a highly efficient electronic component appearance screening equipment.

기계 기능

An inductor is a component that can convert electrical energy into magnetic energy and store it. The structure of an inductor is similar to that of a transformer, but it has only one winding. An inductor has a certain inductance, and it only hinders the change of current. If the inductor is in a state where there is no current flowing through it, it will try to hinder the current from flowing through it when the circuit is connected; if the inductor is in a state where there is current flowing through it, it will try to maintain the current unchanged when the circuit is disconnected. Inductors are also called chokes, reactors, and dynamic reactors.

Inductors are generally composed of a skeleton, windings, shielding covers, packaging materials, magnetic cores or iron cores, etc. After the general packaged inductors are formed, they need to be tested by testing equipment for surface damage, cracks, rust spots, exposed copper, dimensions, etc., so as to screen out defective products.

Inductor testing equipment, the main testing contents of inductor products are: size, surface damage, cracks, depressions, rust spots, pinholes, bruises, poor rubber coating, deformation, core cracks, lack of glue, dirt, cover damage, glue overflow, lead deviation, lead too long or too short, copper wire defect, exposed copper, black spots, etc.

Due to the small size of the inductor, its surface defects are difficult to identify by human eyes, and it is necessary to use optical visual inspection equipment for detection. At present, it is basically a combination of CCD camera and LED light source for visual recognition. Since the accuracy of traditional inductor detection equipment is not very high, CCD inductor automatic detection equipment is used to detect inductor products. It has fast detection speed and high accuracy, which perfectly replaces manual detection, improves product production efficiency and reduces production costs.

1. Appearance inspection of winding inductors and molding inductors

Vacuz 6 Sides AI CCD Molding Common Mode SMD SMT Chip High Frequency CD NR Inductor Automatic Coil Visual Inspection Detection Machine

2. Magnetic core appearance inspection

Vacuz Magnetic core appearance inspection

3. Chip resistor and capacitor appearance inspection

Vacuz Chip resistor and capacitor appearance inspection

Machine Parameters: 

모델 VAC-2100
CCD module Six 750-fps color cameras
Lens and architecture Zoom lens
Software system Vacuz AI System
Light source system 3D Light Source
Running speed 11000pcs/min
Feeding mechanism Vacuz self-developed high-speed feeding system
High speed solenoid valve More than 5 billion times
Material guide mechanism Vacuum electrostatic guide module
Equipment size (L*W*H) 1000mm*950mm*1850mm (can be customized according to customer needs)
기계 무게 580KG
전압 220v
공기 압력 0.5-0.8MPa

Vacuz 6 Sides AI CCD Molding Common Mode SMD SMT Chip High Frequency CD NR Inductor Automatic Coil Visual Inspection Detection Machine

Vacuz 6 Sides AI CCD Molding Common Mode SMD SMT Chip High Frequency CD NR Inductor Automatic Coil Visual Inspection Detection Machine

Vacuz 6 Sides AI CCD Molding Common Mode SMD SMT Chip High Frequency CD NR Inductor Automatic Coil Visual Inspection Detection Machine

Vacuz 6 Sides AI CCD Molding Common Mode SMD SMT Chip High Frequency CD NR Inductor Automatic Coil Visual Inspection Detection Machine

Vacuz 6 Sides AI CCD Molding Common Mode SMD SMT Chip High Frequency CD NR Inductor Automatic Coil Visual Inspection Detection Machine

Vacuz 6 Sides AI CCD Molding Common Mode SMD SMT Chip High Frequency CD NR Inductor Automatic Coil Visual Inspection Detection Machine

Vacuz 6 Sides AI CCD Molding Common Mode SMD SMT Chip High Frequency CD NR Inductor Automatic Coil Visual Inspection Detection Machine

Vacuz 6 Sides AI CCD Molding Common Mode SMD SMT Chip High Frequency CD NR Inductor Automatic Coil Visual Inspection Detection Machine

머신 애플리케이션

Vacuz 6 Sides AI CCD Molding Common Mode SMD SMT Chip High Frequency CD NR Inductor Automatic Coil Visual Inspection Detection Machine

회사 정보

진공 기계 공장은 광동성 동관시에 위치한 2007년 5월에 설립되었습니다. 자동 와인딩 머신, 보빈 와인딩 머신, 변압기 와인딩 머신, 모터 와인딩 머신, 무선 코일 와인딩 머신, SQ 공통 모드 초크 인덕터 와인딩 머신 및 기타 비표준 와인딩 머신의 연구, 개발, 생산, 판매 및 서비스에 종사하는 전문 제조업체입니다. 중국 전역의 모든 도시와 지방에서 잘 판매되는 당사의 제품은 중동, 유럽, 아프리카, 아시아 및 북미와 같은 국가 및 지역의 고객에게도 수출됩니다. 카탈로그에서 현재 제품을 선택하거나 애플리케이션에 대한 엔지니어링 지원이 필요한 경우, 고객 서비스 센터에 문의하여 소싱 요구 사항에 대해 상담할 수 있습니다. 품질은 우리의 문화입니다! 곧 여러분의 협조를 기다리겠습니다!

Vacuz 회사 정보


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나무 케이스 패키지: 기계 장비 등과 같은 대형 제품의 경우 숙련된 특수 목수가 정확한 두께, 밀도, 길이로 적절한 나무 케이스를 제작합니다. 외부 나무 케이스에 위쪽 화살표 ↑ 표시가 있습니다. 나무 케이스에는 균열과 충격을 방지하기 위해 완충재를 넣습니다. 배송 메모를 알려드립니다. 전화 통화를 기다린 다음 가장 가까운 물류 스테이션에서 상품을 수령하면됩니다. (집에서 상품을 받으려면 미리 알려주십시오.)

와인딩 머신 배송 및 포장-4


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