For example: a variety of electric motors, fluorescent ballasts, various sizes of transformers, televisions. Radio with mid-cycle, inductor coils, line output transformer (high-voltage package), electronic ignition, mosquito extinguisher on the high-voltage coil, speakers, headphones, microphone voice coil, a variety of welding machines, etc. can not be cited one by one, these inside the ring winding machine coils are required to wind with a winding machine. The textile industry uses cotton yarn, man-made fiber yarn, etc. to wind various kinds of yarns suitable for textile machines, and these need to use a winding machine to wind.
The same batch, the same inductor winding machine in different customer companies, will have different performance, winding machine and other equipment can play the maximum performance, while the opposite is easy to cause winding machine to appear all kinds of unimaginable symptoms of instability.
Environmental temperature is not suitable for the factory, too low or too high temperature is the killer of all electronic products, this should be a consensus, so in the placement of the winding machine workshop is best equipped with auxiliary temperature regulation equipment. If it refers to the environment, then a good factory environment includes, temperature, temperature, ground, air, power supply, space, operators, etc..
Environmental humidity is not suitable, automatic wirewound machine is composed of many electronic components of integrated circuits, its insulation performance and environmental humidity has a lot to do with. Humidity is too high, easy to cause circuit board short circuit and burn; humidity is too small, easy to generate static electricity, but also will break through part of the electronic components. Therefore, too much humidity, too little, will bring potential threats to the winding machine.
If the power supply system is unstable, the power supply voltage fluctuations, easy to blackout, the rapid development of industry and life, the demand for electricity is also increasing, many areas have a shortage of power supply, voltage instability, easy to blackout happens from time to time. Voltage instability and sudden power outages, resulting in frequent restarts of the system, electronic components may be damaged because of the impact of the current, so the stability of the working environment power supply is related to the normal work of the winding machine or not, you can use voltage stabilization power supply and UPS uninterruptible power supply for protection, specific equipment selection, depending on the size of the load power, the number of hours to keep working to determine.
Žemės vibracija, daugelyje gamyklų reikia gaminti variklio vilkimą, vibraciją ir kitus fizinio poslinkio veiksmus, ne tik sukelia didelį triukšmą, bet ir mašinos darbą, kurį sukelia smarki vibracija, gali pakenkti vyniojimo mašinai, turėtų būti dedamas po pagrindiniu vyniojimo mašinos kempinės korpusu, amortizuojančiais objektais, kad būtų sumažinta vibracijos daroma žala.
In addition, transformer winding machine electrostatic protection issues require us to have a good instrument grounding on the winding machine. And then use 40X40X4 galvanized flat steel and grounding body reliable welding (each welding point also do careful anti-rust treatment), divided to the building for 25mm copper cable to the system ground terminal and winding machine grounding point. This inductive winding machine can effectively reduce the harm caused by static electricity.
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