Automatic rotor assembly lines are important equipment used to process motor rotors, and the size and weight of such assembly lines are usually relatively large. Therefore, the infrastructure requirements for installing an automatic motor rotor assembly line will be higher to avoid excessive vibration and shaking during the operation of the automatic rotor assembly line.



1. Installation using adjusting foot parts

Šis metodas gali būti taikomas kai kurioms palyginti nedidelėms automatinėms rotorių surinkimo linijoms. Automatinės variklių rotorių surinkimo linijos apdorojimo metu sukelia stiprią judesio vibraciją, nes turi būti įrengta pakankamai reguliavimo kojelių, kad atlaikytų automatinės rotorių surinkimo linijos svorį. Tuo pačiu metu reguliavimo kojelės gali padėti išvengti įtakos, kurią daro nelygi aikštelė.

2. Fixing with expansion bolts

Automatic motor rotor assembly lines usually have a bottom frame, which is fixed to the ground using expansion bolts in medium and large rotor automatic assembly lines. The use of this method is characterized by the large contact area between the automatic rotor assembly line and the ground, which can achieve the effect of fixing the assembly line.

3. Pre-embedded installation of fixed frame

In some larger automatic assembly lines processing larger rotor loads, certain conventional fixing methods are no longer sufficient for such heavy equipment, which is usually done before the equipment is delivered to the site. The infrastructure work is done in advance at the site, and the special frame for fixing is buried in the ground, and then the motor rotor automatic assembly line arrives at the site, and then it is fixed.

These are some of the common installation techniques for automatic motor rotor assembly lines. Only by mastering these basic installation knowledge can we ensure reliable operation at a later stage!

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