Brushless motor technology is more and more advanced, the application is more and more extensive, such as common model drones, plant protection machine, electric vehicles, power tools, garden tools, household appliances, water pumps and other industries, all need to use brushless motor, brushless motor stator and rotor is a more important component, but also many friends are more curious, then brushless motor rotor magnets how to assemble? How to wind the stator? What is the relationship between the stator and rotor? The following Vacuz simple to explain it! I hope it can help everyone!

Automatinis BLDC bešepetėlinis drono statoriaus ritės skraidančios šakės vyniojimo aparatas

Automatinis BLDC bešepetėlinis drono statoriaus ritės skraidančios šakės vyniojimo aparatas

Brushless motor stator-rotor relationship between:

Brushless motors have stator and rotor, the immobile part is the stator, the rotating part is the rotor, the stator is mainly composed of iron core, coil, can produce a rotating magnetic field; rotor is cut by the magnetic force lines in the rotating magnetic field, so as to produce output current, the two can be said to be closely linked, mutual action.

Brushless motor rotor magnets assembly:

1. can use the traditional method, manual assembly mode, that is, the efficiency is relatively low, loading magnetic is not accurate enough, strong magnetic also easy to clip to the hand, not safe.

2. Using the magnet loading machine, you can quickly assemble the magnets at once or in several times, the magnetic loading is accurate and fast, the magnets are not easy to break, easy to operate, the magnets no longer pinch hands, reducing manual labor intensity.

Automatinis magnetinis įdėklas mašina

Automatinis magnetinis įdėklas mašina

Brushless motor stator winding:

1. slot outward stator, more than the use of flying fork winding machine equipment, according to the stator needs, common single-station, double-station, four-station, can be a single line winding, can also be multi-line and winding, but also to achieve precision line effect.

2. The stator with inward slot, mostly use needle type internal winding machine equipment, generally single station, double station, four station, six station equipment, you can choose the right winding machine according to your needs.

Aukštos kokybės 6 verpstės išorinis statorius Automatinis BLDC bešepetėlinis dronų variklio ritė Skraidanti šakutė vyniojimo mašina

Aukštos kokybės 6 verpstės išorinis statorius Automatinis BLDC bešepetėlinis dronų variklio ritė Skraidanti šakutė vyniojimo mašina

What is the relationship between the stator and rotor of brushless motor? How to assemble the rotor magnets? How to wind the stator? The above has done a simple explanation, I hope these tips can help you!

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