The tension system of brushless motor stator winding machine is really an important part to ensure the winding quality, improve the stator slot fullness and protect the enameled wire skin. The following is Vacuz’s further elaboration on the working principle of tension system and the method of regulating the tensioner, hope it can help you!
Variklio statoriaus transformatoriaus ritės vyniojimo mašinos dalys Elektroninis variklio vielos vyniotuvas Servo įtempiklis su OLED ekranu
First, the working principle of the tension system
Tension system as a regulator, in the process of winding enameled wire, it through a series of precision mechanical and electrical devices, such as tensioner, high accuracy sensors and intelligent controllers, etc., work together, the enameled wire tension for real-time monitoring and accurate regulation. This process ensures that the enameled wire is neither damaged by excessive tension nor under tension during winding, which affects the tightness and flatness of the winding.
Specifically, the tensioner acts as an actuator, applying just the right amount of force to the wire according to the tension value set by the controller to keep it in a state of dynamic equilibrium. The sensors are like sharp “eyes”, always monitoring the actual tension of the wire, and feedback this information to the controller. The controller is based on the feedback signal and preset values for comparison, quickly make adjustments to ensure that the tension is always maintained in the ideal range.
Second, in order to ensure the stability and efficient operation of the tension system, the regulation of the tensioner is crucial. The following are some key regulation methods:
1. Initial Setting: Before the winding operation starts, it is necessary to set an appropriate initial tension value by adjusting the regulating devices (such as adjusting nuts, knobs, etc.) on the tensioner according to the specific process requirements and physical characteristics of the enameled wire. This process is similar to setting a “baseline” for the winding process, laying the foundation for subsequent adjustments.
2. Real-time adjustment: During the winding process, the tensioner will automatically make fine adjustments according to the changes in tension monitored by the sensor in real time. This real-time adjustment mechanism ensures that even in the face of complex winding conditions and minor changes in the characteristics of the enameled wire, the tension can be maintained stable and accurate.
3. Manual Adjustment: In some special circumstances, such as the need to deal with unexpected situations or special winding operations, manual adjustment may be required. At this time, the operator can directly adjust the tensioner on the adjustment device to quickly respond and solve the problem. It should be noted, however, that manual adjustments should be made carefully to avoid adverse effects on winding quality.
4. Reference standards: In order to set and adjust tension values more accurately, reference can be made to the relevant process standards or recommended values provided by the manufacturer. These standard values are often based on a large number of experimental data and actual production experience, has a high reference value.
5. Regular calibration: In order to ensure the long-term stability and accuracy of the tension system, the tensioner and its related components need to be calibrated and maintained regularly. This includes checking the sensitivity of the sensors, calibrating the tension values, cleaning and lubricating the tensioner, and other operations. Through regular calibration and maintenance, potential problems can be detected and solved in a timely manner, guaranteeing the smooth running of the winding process and the stability of the winding quality.
Automatinis BLDC bešepetėlinis išorinis variklio statoriaus ritės skraidančios šakutės vyniojimo aparatas pardavimui
How does the tension system of brushless motor stator winding machine work? How to regulate the tensioner?Vacuz above has done a simple explanation, I hope these tips can help you!
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