For brushless motor stator winding process, most motor manufacturers use winding machine equipment, mainly flying fork winding machine and needle winding machine, relative to manual, faster, more time-saving, so what are the characteristics of automatic flying fork winding machine and needle winding machine? Vacuz give you an introduction to it!

Dulkių siurblio statorius

Dulkių siurblio statorius

Automatic flying fork winding machine and needle internal winding machine are used for winding equipment, they have obvious characteristics in their respective fields of application.

The main features of the automatic flying fork winding machine include:

1. Multiple station options: provide single station, double station, four station and other options to meet different production needs.

2. Efficient winding: single strands are arranged closely, and multiple strands can be wound together to realize efficient and accurate winding operation.

3. Convenient replacement: the fixture adopts modular design, which can be easily replaced with different specifications of winding wire.

4. Wide range of application: Special stator core winding solutions can be customized as non-standard, applicable to a variety of externally wound stator windings, such as aeromodelling motors, balance car motors, scooter motors, electric vehicle motors and so on.

The features of the needle type internal winding machine are mainly reflected in:

1. High degree of automation: no need for manual intervention, reduce human error, improve production efficiency and winding quality.

2. Strong adaptability: it can adapt to the winding of wires of different diameters and materials, with various winding shapes to meet various needs.

3. Good stability and durability: the equipment adopts high-quality materials and precision components to ensure stable operation for a long time.

4 verpstės Automatinis BLDC bešepetėlinis dronas Išorinė statoriaus variklio ritė Skraidančios šakės vyniojimo mašina

4 verpstės Automatinis BLDC bešepetėlinis dronas Išorinė statoriaus variklio ritė Skraidančios šakės vyniojimo mašina

What are the characteristics of automatic flying fork winding machine and needle internal winding machine? Vacuz above has made a detailed description, I hope this knowledge can help you!

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