There are many types of cooling fans, common brushless DC small fans, neck handheld small fans, USB small fans, floor fans, exhaust fans, axial industrial fans, ceiling fans, etc., different fans, the shape of the stator will be different, there are externally-wound stator and internally-wound stator, so what are the methods of winding the stator of cooling fan motor? How to choose the right winding machine equipment? Vacuz give you an introduction to it! I hope it can help you!

Didelio greičio keturių velenų aušinimo ventiliatoriaus variklio automatinis BLDC bešepetėlinis vidinis statoriaus ritės adatos vyniojimo aparatas

Didelio greičio keturių velenų aušinimo ventiliatoriaus variklio automatinis BLDC bešepetėlinis vidinis statoriaus ritės adatos vyniojimo aparatas

Cooling fan motor stator winding methods are mainly the following.

Flying fork winding method: generally use a special flying fork winding machine, can be single-head or double-head, four-head, etc., the end of the line is fixed on the flying fork, by rotating the flying fork winding wire, the method is applicable to most of the externally-wound fan stator, can be mass production, fast winding speed, high efficiency.
Needle type internal winding method: generally use a special needle type internal winding machine, can be single head or double head, four head, etc., using the needle type up and down winding method, winding the coil in the stator slot, can be applied to most of the internally wound fan stator, can be produced in large quantities, fast winding speed, high efficiency.

Selection of the right winding machine equipment needs to consider the following aspects.

1. Production requirements: According to the production requirements to determine the specifications and performance of the required winding machine equipment, such as wire diameter, number of slots, winding speed.

2. Product quality: Select the equipment that can ensure product quality, such as high precision, good stability.

3. Easy to operate: equipment should be easy to operate and maintain, which can improve productivity and reduce costs.

4. Reasonable price: In order to meet the production needs and product quality under the premise, should choose a reasonable equipment.

5. After-sales service: Select equipment suppliers who can provide good after-sales service to ensure the long-term stable operation of the equipment.

Didelio greičio keturių velenų aušinimo ventiliatoriaus variklio automatinis BLDC bešepetėlinis vidinis statoriaus ritės adatos vyniojimo aparatas

Didelio greičio keturių velenų aušinimo ventiliatoriaus variklio automatinis BLDC bešepetėlinis vidinis statoriaus ritės adatos vyniojimo aparatas

What are the winding methods for cooling fan motor stator? How to choose the right winding machine equipment? The above has been a simple explanation, Vacuz hope that you according to their own stator products, looking for suitable winding equipment.

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