Advance the efficiency of work
The wire winder is a very labor-saving and convenient long-distance power transmission device, workers can easily and quickly obtain a variety of power material or things, and prevent the phenomenon of putting things all over the place and looking everywhere, saving work time and advancing the repair efficiency.
The same moment, can repair more vehicles, the winder not only saves energy, and significantly advance the efficiency.
Improve the operating environment
The concept of handling is well implemented, namely picking up, packing, cleaning, cleaning and body beauty. The rewinding taut spring of the wire winder can stretch and shorten the pipeline, the intensive handling of various power pipelines, a change in the past pipelines, power plugs, oxyacetylene pipelines, light bulbs and guns and other things scattered in a messy phenomenon, can be used singly, can be used in combination, greatly saving the factory space, beautify the working environment, enhance the grade of the enterprise.
Vītņmašīnu ražotāji
Disc Shape Automatic Magnetic Circle Steel Part BLDC Motor Stator Rotor Coil Insertion Machine
Improve the operating environment, customer satisfaction points, repeat customers naturally more up, business will always be prosperous.
Extend the life of the equipment
Neizmantojiet uztvērēja remonta rūpnīcu uz elektropārvades cauruļvada, ir krīze, pagātnē jebkur aizkavēts cauruļvads ir ļoti vienkāršs ar spēcīgu materiālu bojājumu koroziju, kopā ar darbiniekiem netīšām vairāk paātrināja cauruļvada nodošanu metāllūžņos, un, izmantojot uztvērēju laikā, lai saīsinātu iepriekš minētos riskus, var novērst, pagarinot lietu izmantošanas laiku.
The use of things to extend the life, reduce the operating costs, the winder is really a good housekeeper.
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