As machinery and equipment, running for a long time or not well maintained, there may be some minor problems, winding machine will also have these situations, then the motor winding machine use a fault how to do? The first time how to deal with!

Înfășurarea de precizie a motorului fără perii

Înfășurarea de precizie a motorului fără perii

Winding machine operation problems, as with other machinery, common electrical, transmission, mechanical, pneumatic and other aspects, no matter where the problem arises, in general, if you do not know how to deal with, or the problem is more serious, the first time you must cut off the power to avoid the expansion of the problem, so what are the common failures?Vacuz briefly introduce it to you!

1. If the machine is injured to the hand and other circumstances, should be the first time to cut off the power supply to ensure personal safety.

2. Winding machine equipment switch line fire or smoke situation.

3. Equipment suddenly violent vibration, or a loud sound, action abnormal situation.

4. The speed suddenly drops, and the set speed does not match.

5. Overheating of stator windings, bearings, etc.

6. The winding machine equipment has jumped, injured, broken wire, etc.

Automatic Motor Winding Machine

Automatic Motor Winding Machine

In summary, the motor automatic winding operation, if there are these problems, there must be a problem with the equipment, should promptly identify the corresponding problems, and then go to deal with the problem to ensure that the winding machine equipment is running properly.

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