Many friends like to compare stepper motors and servo motors. Sometimes they are hesitant about which motor is more suitable. So which one is better, stepper motor or servo motor? What are the differences, advantages and disadvantages? Let’s take a look below! Vacuz hopes to be helpful to everyone!

Roller Drum Motor

Roller Drum Motor

Generally speaking, stepper motors and servo motors have their own characteristics and applicable scenarios, so it is impossible to simply say which one is better.

Their differences, advantages and disadvantages are mainly reflected in the following aspects:

1. Control method and accuracy: The stepper motor controls the rotation angle by controlling the number of pulses. Each pulse corresponds to a fixed step angle, and the accuracy is relatively high. The servo motor controls the rotation angle by controlling the length of the pulse time, which can realize closed-loop control of position, speed and torque, overcome the possible out-of-step problem of the stepper motor, and make the control more accurate.

2. Work flow and response speed: The work flow of a stepper motor usually requires a signal pulse and a direction pulse, while the servo motor is directly controlled by the power connection switch.

3. Overload capability and adaptability: Stepper motors generally do not have overload capability, while servo motors have strong overload capability.

4. Efficiency and stability: Because the stepper motor is constantly controlled between stopping and starting, its efficiency is relatively low and may produce vibration and noise when running at high speeds. The servo motor runs smoothly, the heat and noise are significantly reduced, and there is no stepping operation phenomenon when running at low speed.

5. Usage environment and maintenance: The servo motor is suitable for use in places that may be invaded by water or oil droplets, but it is not completely waterproof or oil-proof, so you need to pay attention to the usage environment when using it. Stepper motors have relatively low requirements on the operating environment.

BLDC Brushless DC Motor

BLDC Brushless DC Motor

Which is better, stepper motor or servo motor? What are the differences, pros and cons? Vacuz has given a brief description above. I hope these small details and knowledge can help everyone!


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