Motor motor stator winding requirements are relatively high, generally using specialized winding machine equipment to winding, common internal and external winding, the stator requirements are also relatively high, so what are the requirements of the motor motor motor winding machine on the stator? What is the difference between inner winding and outer winding, Vacuz will briefly introduce it to you!

Brushless motor precision winding

Brushless motor precision winding

Motor stator winding, physical parameters and characteristics, the choice of winding machine and winding effect has a direct impact.

1. The direction of the stator slot determines the type of winding machine, which ensures the efficiency and accuracy of the winding process. Secondly, the stator outer diameter, inner diameter, height and slot distance and other factors, all directly determine the choice of the number of winding machine stations and configuration requirements, so as to ensure the stability and safety of the winding process.

2. The size of the wire diameter, the winding method (single wire winding or multi-wire winding) and the precision requirements of the winding are the key factors affecting the speed and effect of the winding. Especially the choice of wire diameter, need to take into account neither easy to break the wire, nor easy to hurt the wire, which needs the support of precision winding machine.

The difference between internal and external winding:

It mainly lies in the stator slot direction, winding method, configuration requirements, scope of application and price. These differences make the choice of winding machine, need to be based on the specific requirements of the stator and production needs for comprehensive consideration, to ensure that the choice of winding machine can meet the production requirements, while achieving good economic efficiency.

Vacuz Brushless Motor coil

Vacuz Brushless Motor coil

In conclusion, the requirements of motor motor winding machine on the stator are multi-faceted, and need to be comprehensively considered and evaluated when selecting the winding machine. We hope this information will help you better understand and select the right winding machine for your production needs.


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